Thursday, February 28, 2008

I should be cleaning but I'm not. I was thinking back to the last mamo I had to go through. As women we really get screwed by the things our bodies do to us. First there's the dreaded growing of boobs(if you're lucky). Now all the boys want to do is pop you're bra strap. Then we get our "friend". Like to meet the person who came up with that moniker. Then if you chose or are so blessed to get pregnant we get to waddle around for 40 weeks with what felt like to me ,an alien being, growning inside us. Then comes labor and delivery. At least then we get to go home with a cute little bundle of joy. Oh I forgot, yearly ob-gyn appts. Cold metal things being thrust where cold metal things just don't belong. Then as we get older mamograms. After going through my first one, I thought not so bad. Then 2 years later my doctor found a lump. Off I go for a bi-lateral mamo. My boob was squished in so many directions I lost count. The very nice tech says(after putting about 100psi of pressure on my boob) "Now don't breathe" I want to meet the woman who CAN breathe with her boob in a vise. Because she is a better woman then me. So all these things we go through and men complain when the dr says drop your pants and cough. Walk in our shoes guys. Just for a little while.You'll all be hiding under the covers with your blankies.

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