Monday, December 21, 2009

Wow it's been almost a year

Well where did the time go. Didn't realize it's been almost a since I posted last. Not sure what to start with. Let's just sum this year up in a word: SUCKTASTIC!! Yup nothing really good happened this year. Weight loss stalled when the pain in my foot became so bad I couldn't go to the gym for months. I had surgery in September to remove massive heel spurs but I'm still in more pain than I can describe. Work has been really bad. Cut the hours but expect more from each person. Personally I can't work any harder than I do. My ass is as big as 2 people's but I only have two hands. My family (mother and sister) still piss me off on a regular basis. Oh to live in someone elses house while they pay all the bills and watch as things get more expensive and not chip in anymore to live there. My marriage has continued on a downhill spiral to the point of me asking him to leave. Damn if he didn't say no. Bills continue to pile up and I keep hoping that some year come December I won't be saying "just 8 more weeks till I can file income tax." The only bright spot in my life continues to be my daughter. She's what keeps me going in the dark times. I'm amazed everyday at the beauty that I created. And not just on the outside. She is truely beautiful on the inside too. So as I head into a new year I hope for change. Not just in my physical being but in my spirit too. I want peace and prosperity for me and my family. We deserve that as so many others do. We work hard for our money and would really like to have just a little to spend on us. I want to resolve the issues in my marriage or have the courage to end it. I want to get my ass back in the gym and finish getting this extra weight off. I know my arthritis will improve once I start working out again. I hope everybody gets what they want for Christmas and the New Year treats you better than this one did.